IIB CSR Saving Paradise: International Coastal Cleanup event at Pulau Pemanggil Johor by Iskandar Investment Berhad

4-6 October 2019 – This IIB CSR Saving Paradise: International Coastal Cleanup event at Pulau Pemanggil Johor by Iskandar Investment Berhad is the 3rd program from IIB and this year in collaboration Taman Laut Mersing, besides take charge of the collections of waste, iCycle been given a slot to give awareness talk title; “The Secret of Waste” by Khairul to the IIB staff. VIP was Datuk Akmal Ahmad, COO of IIB and Bahrinah Bt Bahrain, Pengarah Taman Laut Cawangan Mersing.

Through the event, we successfully collect 573 kg amount of waste which include item for recycle, general waste and ghost net from underwater dive. The beach cleanup activities held at Kg Buau and Kg. Sulit along 4km beach, shows that plastic waste is among the waste that scattered around the beach which contaminated the ocean and the marine life. Ghost net alone which pull out from the sea weighted more than 90 kilos. Being a marine conservation issue, this ghost net, besides being a deadliest as well threatened the corals and marine life where they can be trapped, entangled, or suffocated.

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爱凤环 l 三月份东关街道垃圾分类宣传活动回顾

为进一步深化生活垃圾分类理念,倡导绿色、低碳、环保的生活方式,在3月份东关街道携手爱凤环环保科技有限公司举办开展了多场垃圾分类宣传活动。 通过宣传活动,助力垃圾分类习惯养成,争做垃圾分类的宣传者和践行者。接下来,爱凤环环保科技有限公司将继续推进垃圾分类工作的常态化宣传,引导全民参与共建,实现垃圾分类源头减量,促进垃圾分类理念遍地开花,为垃圾分类工作贡献力量。



为进一步增强居民对垃圾分类知识的深入了解,培养居民低碳、环保的生活理念,在2月份东关街道携手爱凤环环保科技有限公司举办开展了多场垃圾分类宣传活动。 接下来爱凤环环保科技有限公司会采取多种形式宣传垃圾分类、爱护身边环境等活动,向更多人传递环保信息,引导居民群众加入到垃圾分类、保护环境的行列中来。